Συνολικές προβολές σελίδας


Δευτέρα 12 Νοεμβρίου 2012

Shopping Therapy

Geia sas koritsia!!!Euxomai na eiste oles sas kala :)H fthinopwrinh melagxolia mas ephrease gia ta kala ton teleutaio mhna kai etsi to riksame sta pswnia!:)Deite ti agorasame kai peite mas thn gnwmh sas!
1)Beauty Line Cosmetics(501)
2)Lovie (123)
4)H&M(Purple Glitter)
5)H&M (Mon Amie)
 6)Neseser H&M
7)Eye Shadows H&M (Biscotti Dreams)
8)Blusher H&M (17 Tawny Rose)
9)Lip Gloss H&M (Mademmoiselle
10)Silk Eye Liner Lee Hatton (Mocca 72)
11)Lovie Mascara (Black)
12)Beauty Line Cosmetics Double Pencil (Black-White 100)
13)Lovie Lipstick (6)
14) DiorSkin Forever Compact (Rosy Beige 032)
15) Benefit Prime (The pore fessional -oil free)
16) Ena deigmataki (foundation) pou mas edwsan ths Benefit (Hello Flawless se apoxrwsh "I'me so money- Honey No 4)
17) Brush -Powder Foundation Sephora
18)Brush-Highlighiting Fan Sephora
19)Lipstic (Snob -satin)Mac
20)Eye Shadow (Nylon)Mac
21)Highlighter (Pearl)Mac
22)Almond oil Mandorl

Epishs agorasame.........
Necklace Pull&Bear
Bracelets Pull&Bear

Scarf H&M
Auta htan ta proionta pou agorsame ton teleutaio kairo!Peite mas thn gnwmh sas gia to poia sas aresan h an exete agorasei kapia apo auta kai ti agores kanate eseis teleutaia!
Na pernate kala XxXx
The Pisces Sisters 
 * Emy&Ayss *

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